Colocation in Ashburn with SYNLINQ includes reliability experience security scalability support flexibility.

SYNLINQ provides individual colocation solutions in Ashburn/Sterling that scale together with your IT infrastructure. Flexible options for housing of datacenter hardware in the United States. Beginning from a single 1U server up to large business setups with multiple server racks – we are happy to evaluate an ideal concept for your IT demands.
Our offers (Ashburn, USA)
Private Rack 849 per month*
- 3 kV inclusive
- 2 x 10 Gbit/s (LACP)
- Traffic as needed
- Standard DDoS Protection
Get your quote now!
*Die Preise sind auf 36 Monate Laufzeit kalkuliert und verstehen sich zzgl. 19% MwSt. und einmaliger Einrichtungskosten.
Features for Colocation- and Housing services:
- SYNLINQ Premium IP Transit to your servers
- Connectivity up to n * 100 Gbps available
- Separate Layer 2 VLAN domain
- Racks up to 11 kW power delivery pre-cabled
- Carrier-neutral routing options
- Custom Dark-Fiber connections possible
- Green-IT with certified, climate-friendly electricity
- Geo-redundancy at Maincubes FRA01 in Frankfurt/Main, DE available